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What causes the planetary reducer to leak oil?

Author: Shenzhen Shunli Motor Co., Ltd.Time:2018-10-31 10:12:16Pageviews:2631smallmidbig

What causes the planetary reducer to leak oil? The following Shunli planetary reducer manufacturers Xiaobian to give you a detailed introduction. First, the pressure inside the fuel tank rises ...

What causes the planetary reducer to leak oil? The following Shunli planetary reducer manufacturers Xiaobian to give you a detailed introduction.

First, the pressure inside the fuel tank rises
In the closed reducer, each pair of gears meshes with each other to generate heat. According to the Boeing's law, as the running time is lengthened, the temperature inside the reduction chassis gradually increases, and the volume inside the chassis is reduced. It does not change, so the pressure inside the box increases, and the lubricating oil in the box is splashed and sprinkled on the inner wall of the reduction chassis. Because the oil has a relatively high permeability, under the pressure inside the box, which one is not tightly sealed, the oil will seep out from there.

Planetary reducer

Second, the structural design of the reducer is unreasonable, causing oil leakage
If the designed reducer does not have a hood, the reducer cannot achieve equalization, resulting in higher and higher pressure inside the tank and oil leakage.

Third, too much fuel
During the operation of the reducer, the oil pool is agitated very much, and the lubricating oil splashes everywhere in the machine. If the amount of oil is too much, a large amount of lubricating oil accumulates in the shaft seal, joint surface, etc., resulting in leakage.

Fourth, improper maintenance process
During equipment maintenance, oil leakage may occur due to incomplete removal of dirt on the joint surface, improper selection of sealant, reversed seal direction, and failure to replace seals in time.

The above is the introduction of the cause of the oil leakage of the planetary reducer. I hope to help the friends in need. If you want to know more about the planetary reducer, please continue to pay attention to the Shunli motor.

return 2018-10-31 2631People browsing